Rules of the draw:
1. No need to buy 2, 10 or 50 tickets, having bought any amount of LTG once for the amount of 0.13 TON you are already in the draw and acquire the right to participate in the lottery. Whatever the price of LTG on the exchanges or in various applications where you can buy it, the amount of the ticket fee is fixed at 0.13 TON, but it can decrease or increase before each new draw in order to adjust the ticket price to a single cost so that everyone can participate in the lottery without serious investments.
2. After the draw, the LTG tokens burn out, only 1 token remains. With the start of a new draw, tokens are created again and so before each draw. All information is stored in the blockchain and you can view any transaction.
3. The winner's payment is transferred to the Telegram wallet exclusively in TON, minus the transfer fee.
4. All funds received, except for 20% and the commission, are blocked for the duration of the lottery and are unblocked only after the winners are determined immediately before the transfer of the winnings.
5. The draw will be held according to the ID numbers assigned during registration in the Telegram application or according to the Telegram wallet number indicating the transaction for the purchase of a ticket and its registration on the site or automatic registration and structuring of participants into blocks to simplify the procedure for holding the draw.
6. A guaranteed participant in the lottery is a user in whose wallet LTG in the amount of at least 0.13 TON on the date of purchase. (in the process, we may make a fixed price for 1 LTG)
7. Any Telegram user who purchased LTG in the amount of 0.13 TON can become a winner of the lottery, regardless of his place of residence, religion, age and other definitions and divisions.
8. The drawing amount is as follows:
100% - the total amount of receipts
20% - from 100% - the amount allocated to the lottery organizers including the costs of maintenance, PR campaigns, advertising and various events related to the organization of this event.
80% of 100% - the amount allocated for the drawing
10% - from 80% - the amount allocated for the drawing of consolation prizes from LTG (iPhone or other equipment, paid vacation on the ocean coast and other valuable prizes)
9. To increase the chance of winning, 9 prizes have been established according to the number of letters in the word "LOTTOGRAM" this is the first stage of the lottery.
1.L - Drawing - 30% of 100% MEGAPRIZE from the amount allocated for winning "LTG- JACKPOT"
After the drawing of "LTG-JACKPOT" there are 8 more winners, i.e. the remaining amount is divided into 8 in equal shares.
2.O -Drawing - distribution in equal shares of the remaining amount of tokens
3.T-Drawing - distribution in equal shares of the remaining amount of tokens
4.T-Drawing - distribution in equal shares of the remaining amount of tokens
5.O -Drawing - distribution in equal shares of the remaining amount of tokens
6.G-Drawing - distribution in equal shares of the remaining amount of tokens
7.R-Drawing - distribution in equal shares of the remaining amount of tokens
8.A-Drawing - distribution in equal shares of the remaining amount of tokens
9.M-Drawing - distribution in equal shares of the remaining amount of tokens
10.For the socialization of the project, the winners of the first stage lottery are obliged to transfer 5% of the winnings, including commissions, to charity, and not by simply transferring part of the winnings to some wallet or account, but together with the founders of the LTG project agree on the construction of any facility in the part of the world where the winner was born or raised, this could be a school, stadium, playground, hospital, computer class, etc. in general, any necessary social facility or tuition fees for talented and gifted children from low-income families (this mandatory part of the project will be described by strict rules and the priority right to approve the construction facility will be the LTG project team) the amount of 5% is not transferred to the lottery winner, it is frozen in the account of the lottery organizer and is spent only after approval and the start of construction of the social facility. Also, the LTG charitable foundation will be created, which will be engaged in monitoring and distributing funds.
11. After the drawing, our team contacts the winner by sending him a welcome message about the win to the telegram ID number.
12. The lottery is held once every four months
13. After determining the winners, the team conducts an audit and compliance check.
14. The lottery is held 4 times a year. The first day of the draw is January 13, April 13, July 13, October 13 of each year.
15. The winners will be determined randomly to exclude third-party interference and interest. The drawing procedure will be published later.
16. The drawing is held only among verified users of the Telegram wallet, the verification procedure will not take much time and will save you from ridiculous curiosities.
At this stage, the concept of my project is outlined, in the future, adjustments will be made because the policy of countries regarding tax legislation